The following pictures were taken at Bedok Reservoir Park on a cloudy afternoon.

Flash was a bit harsh on this pic, I need to learn how to diffuse more.
This one was taken with my Nissin di866 with a white translucent party plate cutout placed
at the filter thread of my lens
This one was taken with my Nissin di866 with a white translucent party plate cutout placed
at the filter thread of my lens
This was taken with the same party plate but with the popup flash
Popup flash with party plate, I wanted to get closer but I was currently comfortable with my lens
proximity of about 15cm away from the subject. I didn't want to scare it away. The extended branch that this fly was perching on, was swaying like mad due to perpetual breeze. I had to hold the end tip of this branch with one hand, and with the other hand, hold the heavy Canon 40D singlehandedly and depress the shutter button. I wished I could get closer, I'm sure I'd be able to capture more of the compound eye details if I were to move nearer by another 3-4 cm.
proximity of about 15cm away from the subject. I didn't want to scare it away. The extended branch that this fly was perching on, was swaying like mad due to perpetual breeze. I had to hold the end tip of this branch with one hand, and with the other hand, hold the heavy Canon 40D singlehandedly and depress the shutter button. I wished I could get closer, I'm sure I'd be able to capture more of the compound eye details if I were to move nearer by another 3-4 cm.